Can HIV Be Contracted Through Non-penetrative Sexual Activity?
I visited a massage parlor and received the massage and after that the girl who gave me massage is sitting on my thighs.I was lying naked and she is wearing shorts and she gave hand job by sitting on my thighs.I made sure that there is a towel on my thighs and she is sitting on me with her shorts on and she is giving handjob. But since she is only wearing shorts I had came into contact with her legs and thighs as she is spreading them over me. There is no condom when I am receiving handjob. And also there might be a contact with her thighs and legs sometimes. Can you please let me know whether I put myself at risk from the above encounter ?
There is no possibility of any Sexually transmitted disease.
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to the forum.
I can understand your concern for the possibility of risk of any Sexually transmitted diseases after the massage and hand job.
After analyzing your query with best diligence let me reassure you first that there is no possibility of any Sexually transmitted disease in your case.
To tell you simply Sexually transmitted diseases spreads through blood to blood contact or by contact of genital fluids. It is also possible if there is any breech or any cuts in both the partners.
Massage or hand jobs practically never transmit any major Sexually transmitted diseases. In this situation there is no exchange of fluids from genital area or any blood to blood contact.
In my clinical experience I have never seen any person getting any major STDs after receiving massage or hand job.
I further suggest you to take a bath after any such incidences.
I hope this information will relax your mind.
With regards,
Dr Sanjay Kanodia
MD-Dermatology & Sexually transmitted diseases