What Causes Chest Pain?
Possible nerve compression...
Detailed Answer:
I have gone through your medical history and understood your concerns.
1. The pain you feel on left side of the chest while all heart tests are normal, then, you should not be worried about your heart.
2. Based on what you are reporting, my thoughts go for possible nerve compression at the vertebral spine level. I need to know if you have done any chest X-ray or vertebral MRI to evaluate the condition of nerves?
3. Being overweight can also be one possible cause to such pain and/or could aggravate your symptoms.
4. You are reporting to be using Losartan and Bystolic, I need to know the range of your Blood pressure (BP)? Sometimes, spikes in bp can also trigger such problems.
5. Have you measured the cholesterol level? Have also done ultrasound of neck blood vessels to rule out narrowing?
All these data are important to find the right solution.
Yes,possibly anxiety could cause it...
Detailed Answer:
Thank you for your follow up query.
1. If your cholesterol is high, there is increased chance to get your blood vessels narrowed that could explain your health problems. If cardiac echo and ultrasound of neck blood vessels was normal, then, narrowing of arteries is excluded.
2. If MRI and other tests 1 year ago were normal, then, most probably, what you are experiencing is due to anxiety.
I've noticed that you are using Lexapro. I'd suggest to try to control/cope with anxiety/stress. Apart medications, family and friends can be of help. If they can't help you either, you can discuss with a psychologist to schedule psycho-therapy seances to improve your symptoms.
Hope it answered to your queries!