Brief Answer:
Apologies; yes conclusion still stands
Detailed Answer:
Hello once again ma'am.
My sincere apologies about the error.
But yes, the conclusion still stands.
Atherosclerosis is a condition that results from a raised
cholesterol level, than in turn deposits in the inner lining of blood vessels resulting in narrowing of the passage of the blood vessels (which results in atherosclerosis) and this in turn causes symptoms of a circulatory abnormality (eg.
numbness, throbbing/pulsating sensation, etc.). This circulatory abnormality has an impact on the heart in the long-run, resulting in a heart condition.
So, it is indeed good news that you have not been diagnosed with heart diseases or atherosclerosis itself, which means you are in stage wherein, with proper
medical help these conditions can be entirely prevented. Do please request for the investigations advised in my previous response ma'am.
Hope this helps, and my sincere apologies once again. Wishing you nothing but good health always.
Best wishes.