Question: Hi, I have
PCOD and had my last period on 3rd Feb 2014 after taking
regestrone. Doctor gave me
Siphene 50mg 2 tablets at night from 5th day and also asked to take
progynova 2mg 28 days pills. She asked me to
folvite and metmet 500 continuously till we get positive result. She advised me to go for FS from 10th day. Finding as per FS
Uterus - AV - 7.1*3.8cm , Rt. Ovary - 3.2*1.7*3.5cm, Vol -10cc, Lt ovary - 4.2*1.9*4.2cm, Vol- 18.4CC - PCO. Adnexa - Free
FS on day 10: Rt. Ovary - a) 1.3*1.3CM & b) 1.0cm*1.2CM, Lt Ovary - a) 1.0*1.1Cm, Endometrial thickness - 5MM
On day 12: RT Ovary - a)1.8*1.7CM & b)No changes, Lt Ovary - No Change. Endometrial Thickness - 7mm
on day 13: Rt Ovary - a) 1.9*1.8CM & b)No Change, Lt Ovary - No Change, Endometrial thickness - 8mm
Met doctor on 13th day and as per FS she said the egg is in good stage and asked me take injection - Sifasi HP 5000 IV and told to see FS on day 15 if the report comes as ruptured then asked us to be in contact and start taking Sustem 200mg for 20 days. And on day 15 in FS: Rt Ovary - a) Ruptured, b) nochange, Lt Ovary - a)no change, Endometrial Thickness was 9mm. Minimal free fluid is seen in the POD. from day 15th night i started taking Sustem 200mg. And on 31st day from night i got brown discharge and from next day iam getting dark reddish tissue like discharge. not having much stomach pain but lower back was there. today its 33rd day as per the last period. iam not sure whether its periods or just discharge. I spoke to my doctor she said to wait for 2 days and see. if i started getting normal liquid like bleeding she asked me to come and meet her. As of now i am getting thick discharge which comes in mouth and clots. not even getting in my Pads. Still taking
Susten 200mg and Progynova 2mg. Please help to know whether its normal period or any issues.