I am 42 yrs of age have had 2 childrens via c section 160cm 57kg and fit and heathly, however I have had constant period problems for a slong as I can remember and it took me 2 yrs to get pregnant with both children. For past 4 years my periods have progressivly gotten worse to the stage where I get it every 2 weeks or if not constant spotting throughout the month. I suffer severe lower back pain, stomach to the point of vomiting, tiredness (no anemic), leg pain with very heavy loss for 4 days with clots. I had an ultrasound and a D&C done at the RW hospital and it was confirmed that I have ademoyosa and am due to have a hysterectomy in 2 weeks time. I just had another ultrasound done yesterday at a radiology and it states that I have an anteverted and midly enlarged uterus echotexture measuring 11.1 x 5.9 x 4cam volume 136cc. Myometrium was homogeneous. Normal endometrium measures 7mm thick no lesions seen. right ovary normal 2.5x1.8x1.8 volume 4.3cc 5 folicles 1cm diameter. Left ovary 3x2.4x2.2cam volume 8.5cc 2 follicles 1.6 diamter. No pelvic fluid or adenal mass seen. I also find intercourse very painful. I am confused by diagnosis from the hospital and ultrasound yesterday and if I should do hysterectomy but am so tired of been this way it affects my entire life. Please advise. thankyou