hello sir.i am a 26 yr old girl..i had a severe acne problem that started when i was10 yrs..actually at that age the problem started with my nose,it use to get swell nd red in the sun and then pimples got develop on the nose and then it slowly got spreaded on my face,doctors to whom i consulted called it rosacea..for ur info,i hv got a fair complexion,nd my skin is very sensitive to sunlight and dust..i got a lot of treatments in a long time,bt none worked.then 1.5 yrs earlier,i gt a gud treatment.dr.sugested me to take isotretoin tab nd faceclin and konaz cream/gel to apply..i gt rid of acnes bt my skin hv got a litle wrinkly types and this treatment i carried only for 7 to 8 mnths..now the 1 or 2 acnes are occuring again.and one more serious thing is that i hv a much oily skin and many open pores on my nose and face..so plz tell me some gud remedy for this,i am in gr8 trouble and feels low smtimes bcoz of my skin..i vl be grtful to u for this