I was on the treatment for OCD (Obsessive compulsive neurosis)for last 20 years,Initial six years i was imipramine HCL 150 mg,But that was discontinued due to an intraventicular hemorrhage.After two years i was prescribed sertraline HCL 50 mg,but after 3 years(ie,in 2003) "Valparine controlled release tablets 1000 mg" in two divided doses also introduced following a hypomania & attention problem.But still i have problems of remaining calm & poor sleep quality.So recently another doctor prescribed Divalporate sodium 1000 mg,Quetiapine fumarate 50 mg,Risperidone & and removed sertraline & sodium valporate.But now i found very difficult to get up in the morning,some sort difficulty while driving etc.Is this due to the seductive nature of the new tablets . I think OCD which i suffers for the last 20 years has not been addressed in this medication plan.your esteemed opinion is solicited. ac