im 32 yrs old married snc 6 yrs hv nvr concieved, tryin 4 an issue since 5 yrs. in april this year i had a laproscopi for my choclate cyst i ws told by my doc that i have proliferative endometriosis, this month my doc gv me naturugest to have 4 ten days from d 16th day of my period, n she gave me an injection alsoPROVIGIL5000IUM, she gave my husband MIRAQULE 100mg doc told that his sperm movmnt is a bit last period ws on 26th of augst 2010, for the past 2days im havin sever back pain on the right side, i hv not yet gt my periods till nw, my cycle is 28days usually. i want to knw whether this treatment is goin corect, n why am i gettin this pain? plz help