I am 56 yrs old, diabetic (Controlled with 2 x 500 mg Metformin and 2 x 0.25 mg of dibizide). Also a heart patient (MI) with 2 x 99% blocks. I am under medical care for 6 months till Jun 14 to check feasibility for CABG. With Clopilet A 75/75 mg, Seloram 25/2,5 mg, Tonact 10 mg and Lasilactone from Dec 13 I have been at rest at home. For the past 30-40 days, I have 1. Dizziness occasionally when I get up which becomes alright after 20-30 secs. 2. I have thigh/hip joint pain (groin joint) while stretching my legs for a walk or even sleeping convenience (A slow pain gradually growing to unbearable levels) 3. My eyes dilate on very bright lights but to not contract back to normalcy, quite often. If I put on my black goggles, they seem to reduce this glare greatly. THIS MAKES ME AFRAID TO WALK IN THE DAYTIME. Are these effects temporary ? Or they are the side effects of the above medicines ? PLEASE HELP ME.