Hi. On the second day of my missed period, I took a pregnancy test and kinda confused with result because the second line is not darker and solid. My OB said that I might be pregnant but HCG is too low to detect via urine test. After 5 days of missed period, the same urine test I got and was advised to undergo total HcG test, I was on my fifth week by LMP then. My HCG level read 428. I underwent Trans V and nothing was seen yet on the ultrasound, but doctor said that she seen threatened abortion. She advised me to take duphaston three times a day and repeat TransV after 2 weeks as I might have a delayed pregnancy. Now I'm on my 6th week by LMP, and had discharges, started as light brown and became heavy with dark red as if I am menstruating. Did I miscarried? should i still continue duphaston? If I miscarried at that early stage, do I need to undergo D&C? I cant wait for another 1 week to be seen by my doctor and have ultrasound. Not really sure if I still have my baby inside, or miscarried totally. Please help. Thanks