Before i start, I’d like to state a few things: my boyfriend and i are not very sexually active, and when we do perform sexual tasks it hardly ever goes to the point where conceiving is possible. However, on August first(ten days after ovulation), my boyfriend and i got a little carried away. please keep in mind that i am not on any birth control, and there was no use of condoms. Though there was very consistent touching between both of our genitals, not once during this process did we go through with sex.(as in, he didn’t go inside of me). Okay, so cut to August 4th, the date i was “supposed” to get my period according to the period app “flo”. Now although my period was a few days late(which is normal considering i frequently have irregular periods), i thought nothing of it. Cut to August 6th, the actual date of my period. it started off with a light flow, and a red-pink colour in regards to blood.. also normal. I suddenly had severe cramping, nausea, and slight constipation. it came to a surprise to me that i felt so nauseous, and quite frankly, light headed. i never feel nauseous during my periods, just moderate-bad cramps. these cramps however, were cramps i’ve never experienced before. it legitimately felt like somebody was carving into my abdomen with a butter knife. these horrendous cramps were also accompanied by fever like shivering, teeth chattering, and fatigue. suddenly my period went from light to moderately heavy in the course of an hour. again; a bit of a shocker. my periods generally ease into a heavy flow, and that typically takes 1-2 days. in another hour, my period randomly went back to a light flow. it fluctuated throughout the day, and the day after. On the 7th, i experienced no cramps, or any of the symptoms i experienced on the 6th. At the end of the 7th, my period faded away to the point where it was practically gone; just spotting. On the morning of the 8th(today), i awoke with an enormous pang of anxiety, worry and stress. my period practically only lasted two days which is so utterly abnormal for me, since my periods usually last 5-6 days. i began to contemplate whether or not there’s a possibility of me being pregnant. not until today did i hear about a little thing called “implantation bleeding”, i researched a bit and now i’m a little bit worried. is there even a slight chance of me being pregnant? is there something wrong with my body, or with me, or are my hormones just out of wack?