Hi Dr. Lundi, today after my shower I found a tiny little bump on the left side of my labia majora and i removed it, and it bled for a minute or so, then stopped. Also, on the top of my vagina there is a small line of raised skin that itches often. Last year, I contracted MRSA and it ended up on my vagina and i swelled up, but after soaking in the tub it opened on its own and drained. I was treated for the MRSA and havent seen it since but the place that the line of skin is, is where the opening was when the infection drained itself. All of my other scars from the infection have gone away, I mean you can still clearly see where it was, the skin is still raised, but those scars dont itch. Am I dealing with a vaginal disease or did i just not take the proper care of this site? You can contact me at YYYY@YYYY or at YYYY@YYYY . Thank you!