My name is Monika and I have been diagnozed with PCOS, underactive thyroid and vitamin D deficiency.
I am currently on 75mcg of levothyroxine and my thyroid levels are within a normal range....
I also started taking Metformin-currently on 1000mg, but should be increased to 2000mg after 2 weeks...
I do not feel well at all -I sweat a lot, have tachycardio (it was diagnosed as a inappropriate sinus tachycardio, was taking ivabradine which was not helping and Bisoprolol Fumarate -both of them were not really successful in treating my tachycardio...), heat intolerance etc.
I was informed by my Endocrynologist that my symptoms can be caused by insulin resistance and that taking Metformin will help with these symptoms (he said that insulin resistance is causing me low estrogen levels),but I do not believe it at all...
I have been feeling unwell for such a long time now....
Would be very grateful if doctor could related to my issues, also will post my recent blood tests results (my other tests like urine, FBC, ferritin, lipids,HbA1c etc. are normal...).
My hormonal results:
Testosterone 2.3nmol/L (0.0-4.3)
FSH 5.4 u/L
LH 9.6 u/L
Prolactin 408 mu/L (20-525)
serum sex hormone binding glob 38 nmol/L (19-117)
Free androgen index 6.1 (0.0-15)
Androstenedione 6.0 umol/L(0.0-6.0)
DHEA Sulphate 4.4 umol/L (1.0-12.0)
Thank you in advance doctor for any comments.
Kind regards,