Hi, My sister Sabina, aged 24, was diagnosed of SSPE while she was at the age of 11. She used to get minor jerks and when consulted by Dr Sanjay Varade in Nasik he confirmed of SSPE after doing some tests with fluids taken from her spinal cord n all. She had measles while she was 1.5 years. The other symptoms like memory loss, inability to walk etc were also observed. Gradually her hands and legs have also become tightened n now she is not able to do any of her activities alone including chewing the food. We have read from various sources that normally this leads to death within 3 years n hence have a feeling that we do not want to leave out the possibility of a wrong diagnosis. Do you think all these symptoms could be related to some other disease also or do you think you can help her get back to basic activities at least. Even if complete cure is not possible we would be more than happy if she can do basic day 2 day activities on her own. Please do help. Eagerly waiting for a response from you.