Hi I have had problems with my periods for a long time, I also suffer from IBS. I was on the diantte pill for 10 years (I am now 28) and so had to come off it, I always suffered bad periods when on the pill, and when I did come off my perods became worse and so I was given the mirena coil but after 5 months of having the coil I had it removed as the pain was worse than before. I now am not on any pill or hormone at all and my periods are still bad. I experience excruciating abdominal pain along with the symptoms from my IBS becoming worse, although there is very little bleeding the pain is very bad - and my stools are completely black and tar like. My Gp has suggested that I get tested for Endometriosis and I wanted some advice about this - do you think it is likely that I could have something like this? Thanks