Hi I am having terrible head ache (exactly at Right and left forehead and Back Center Top) for the last 7 days. Along with that I am feverish (around 101 to 102) which is reaching high only in evenings and continues the next day morning + my body is shivering during the time. Even thought the weather is around 75 this is happening.
Tylenol doesn't stop, I went to Urgent care they assumed it could be Sinus although I did not have cold or cough or soar throat, and they gave me Antibiotic and antiinflamatory and Pain reliver. Nothing worked, again I went there, this time did Blood test, Flu test and Strep test all of which negative for any infection. Again I went to another bigger hospital emergency care today, they took a CT scan of my whole face and also they took once more Blood test. Again all results are negative and asked me to continue with the same Antibiotic and Painreliever tablets.
Although I am concerned with Headache, but now I am asking myself, if it could be the cause of the Evening fever and Shivering.
Can you please advice