Dear Doctor,
I am girl whose age is 23.From last one year once in a month; I am involved in physical intimation with my fiancée. Every month after I gone through a sex I took I Pill to prevent myself from pregnancy. Last month in August I got my period on 7th lasted upto 12,then on 13th I had a sex with him and took I Pill within 3hrs,because of taking I pill again I got a vaginal bleeding on 20th August lasted upto 25th august, the flow was very heavy.
But on this month i.e. on September 3rd we had a vacation. On 3rd from 2:40pm till 4th September 10:30 am we has several times of sex i.e. nearly 4 -5 times. Immediately on 4th of September within 23 hrs of sex I took a I pill to prevent myself from pregnancy. But till now i.e. after 4th September to this 16th September no vaginal bleeding or the periods are not there. I don’t know what has happened to me? Please advise me very fast what to do. Will my periods will happen? Because I have through the FQS of I Pill that it works after several times of sex within a short period of time, but act should taken within 72 hrs,but took it before 24 hrs.Please advice me. To let you know further that because of taking I pill once in a month my cycles are not maintained regularly.