Dear doctors my name is Isabel. Five years ago I was injured to the nose. I got hit by someone's skull on the left side of my nose so the bone is twisted on the right side, from the front view it is not visible (I think that it is due to the fact that I have thick skin) but my profile really bothers me, especially from the right side, the side towards my bones have been pushed to. At that time me and my parents did not know that a close reduction could have been performed and so as a result I have a crooked nose as the fracture has healed dislocated. Everyone tells me that I look fine and how I look beautiful and that if I do not need to do it because if something goes wrong I will ruin my face. I am considering a nose job because my once perfect nose has been deformed due to the injury. The bridge of the nose has collapsed and I have really became self conscience about it so as a consequence I have become anti social and reclusive. My question is can a rhinoplasty be performed to just reshape the bones back to their original position by simply rebreaking the nose, meaning to have back the original anatomy of my nose, without harvesting the cartilage and changing the original structure of my nose? because all I want from the surgery is to have back the original anatomy of the nose.
All your answers will be highly appreciated.
Thanks so much.