hello, i have adhd and i take adderall. i am supposed to take 30mg (two 15mg pills). anyways sometimes when i take my meds i feel ok but other times i feel unwell. not in the way of feeling sick or depressed but more scared and/or anxious feelings. i cant relax because i feel like i should be doing something. the meds work because it cures my hyperactivity. however, it seems to mess up a lot of other things like the following: i cant sleep at night, i am insecure sometimes, it makes me want to have more nicotine, sometimes i am scared to go and hang out with friends (for no reason), and it makes me have a stronger urge to look at porn i'm not even kidding. I know i listed a lot of things but if i had to set three main problems and put them in order they would be as follows (in order from 1-3): 1. anxious feelings, cant relax. 2. low self esteem and self concept. 3. can't sleep at night. Are there anyother meds that can help me more that adderall or any meds i can take with adderall to help these problems