Hi. I'm a 44 year old man, in good shape, workout 4 times a week, I amd a good diet.... but since January 2011, I devleop one per week a red pimple, bump that looks like a large mostiquo bite. I have seen 2 dermatologists and my GP and they can't seem to find what it is... we have gone through the "bed bug" extermination process as both dermatologists believed it might be bed bug bites. These red pimple/bumps occurs usually on genital and under my arm.... once in a while on my leg. they appear usually one at a time and are very itchy. I was prescribed cortisone cream and some benadryl-like pill with little to no effect. I have changed soaps, stopped using fabric-softner... I'm at wits end. they tend to occur at the beginning of the week. I have no known food allergies. any idea of this could be?