Hello, my period is usually around 22nd/21st of the month. if it is late it is normally just 1-2 days.
i took levonelle last month just after my period finished. My period restarted early.
I then had to take levonelle 2 weeks after that (May 7th).
This week i noticed my breasts were swollen (although not tender). I am am needed to use the loo (have a poo) more frequently than usual and i have been experiencing brown discharge for the past 2 days.
this morning as there was quite alot of brown discharge, i put a pantyliner on.
I took a pregnancy test yesterday (clearblue range) and although faint, it suggested i was pregnant.
I took another two tests today, one at 4 am and another 3 hours after that (a cheap supermarket own brand from a two pack) and both suggested i was not pregnant.
I am not experiencing any cramping or sickness, i am incredibly confused though. is it possible i am pregnant? is it worth trying another test?