Dr Q please can you advise!! I was wondering if anyone could help me, i went for a check up yesterday and following some discharge (yellow non smelly) they asked me could they do an internal examination as i said yes, they found some fetal tissues on the internal examination and said i d lost the baby. they preformed some bloods and my levels were 67,000 compared to 9days prior of 13,000 with a u/s saying i was 6wks 5days and had a fetal heartbeat, they have now said they d like to scan to ensure there isnt another pregnany still in there - but they said this is a long shot that there would be. they told me to perform a preg test this am and see if weeks remained high and they have and i have to test again tonight and tomm am before the scan. whats the chances of one remaining? has anyone experienced this before and what was the outcome?