About 5 weeks ago, I went to my doctor about vaginal discharge. I am 60 and have been post menepausal since I was 45. While there I talked to him also about depression. I am not overly depressed, just kind of blah, no energy and tired quite frequently. I was quite anxious about talking to him about depression as I have not previously been on any medication and am quite fearful actually of taking any. My blood pressure registered 160/90 and he noticed some swelling in my feet and legs. He prescribed Lisinopril 10 mg with 12.5 mg hydrochlororthiazide and Diflucan. I took it for about a month and it did bring my bp down to 124/70 (my bp is usually around 130/80). The Lisinopril made me cough terribly so he switched me to 50 mg.Lorsartan HCT12.5. He also gave me Metronidazol 500 mg for the vaginal discharge (that the Diflucan did not take care of) I started taking the Lorsartan Sunday morning last and I started feeling a bit dizzy. By Tuesday, I was feeling pretty bad, my heart felt like it was racing and I was naseaus and had a headache. I talked to my daughter-in-law about it and she suggested that I have her mother, a nurse, take my pb. It was 200/100 and she sent me straight to the ER. While I was there, the bp came down some, but they ran a urine sample and blood test and discovered that I had a UTI. My question is, could the Lorsartan have raised my blood sugar to give me those symptoms and the high reading of bp? The ER doctor gave me a new prescription for Metroprolol Tart 50 mg. Ciprofloxacn 500 mg. and Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg. I started the antibiotic this morning along with my other antibiotic (Flagyl) and the water pill. I did not take the bp medicine and have been monitoring my bp with a omron wrist monitor several times today and the highest reading I have gotten is 145/79 the rest have been in the 120's and 130's over 80. I believe I may have had the UTI when I originally went to my doctor without realing it. I have just had a twinge of pain on my right side mostly noticable at night when I lay down to sleep. In your opinion, would the UTI combined with my anxiety about talking to my doctor about depression spike my bp to 160/90?