am a 20 years of age male, last year September i had chronic right shoulder pain and then i was sent for physio and it went and then this year September it started again, i got something like a mass at my shoulder,i was sent for x_ray and sonar, the x-ray and sonar could not find anything only that apparently i have a prominent right shoulder blade when i raise my arm its more like my shoulder blade is sticking out, and after the scans i got something like a hard lump or mole on my same very shoulder which is painless sort of black and very small so i scratched i thought it had pus in it and it got swollen and turn into a black scar and enlarged in size now they is an open wound am worried could this be cancer? Now its more like everyday i wake up with something new i feel some weird pain in my ribs, getting weird skin infections, pain around my right side breast area. am really worried and depressed, i dont know now if its just in my head or thy are real things,