Hi, I been having some bad irritation, redness and bleeding around my vagina for the past year or so, when I have intercourse or the slighest touch of my partner, I get a rash so bad that I feel like someone cut me with a razor around the outside part of my labia or right at the entrance of the vagina. I went to 3 different doctors and they all said the same thing, I took some pills for yeast infection , but it has not solved the problem. I feel like the skin around the outside of my vagina is thinner and when I looked at it with a mirror, it s red and it seems like there is a irritated veins passing under my skin, with a deep cut along side. I had breast cancer 3 years ago, taken tamoxilin, I also had chemoteraphy, and I am wondering if chemo is the cause of it, or even the tamoxilin