Hi, I started my period 3 weeks ago, the first week I was on ammoxicillan treating a uti, than got a steriod shot in my finger because of I have had previous surgeries to correct my webbing, than day 7 of my period nothing was there, than on day 8 starting day 10 felt like i was getting a yeast infection like my dr told me you can get after taking ammoxicillan and I took my one dose of diflucan , than the spotting continued. I than started adderall . My peirod was normal the first week normally 7-10 long, tubes ties, and than I started having this weird brown spotting than it slowly picked up a little bit to a more reddish brown and now its just slightly spotting. I dont know if its the steroid or what exactly it is. I dont have any cramps. Or anything really outta the norm for me.