i have been dating someone for over 2 years now, and i've only had oral sex. after my boyfriend ejaculated, i got it all over my hand. i sat there for about 2 minutes and then without thinking, touched my genitals briefly, but not too far in. My biggest problem is that i'm taking accutane now, and it was a big mistake to do this, but i'm worried sick that something has happened. i feel like i have symptoms of being pregnant, but i cant tell if its from the stress of might being pregnant while taking accutane or if its really pregnancy symptoms. my parents will kill me if this happens...they don't know i've had oral sex before, and i'm so ashamed of myself, but, my boyfriend is supporting me through this....please help me!! could i be pregnant??
i'm 18, 5'2" and 104 pounds. i'm in great condition and very healthy.