Whilst I was an in-patient at The Prince Charles for a extremely virulent form of Staph. Aurelius (sic) which I contracted either from an improperly prepped site on my arm for a cannula,or by the same procedure in the A&E admitting team;nevertheless what was initially a irregular heart-beat(i had 2 stents implanted 12 months prior to the current situation/inquiry) I became extremely ill from the "Golden-Staph". As a precautionary measure the team of Doc's who were my primary-care team thought it prudent that I undergo what was explained to me as a "Gamma-Camera" procedure,which in toto took over an hour of my whole body being slowly scanned to eliminate the possibility of the "Staph" having secreted itself in one of many hiding places,namely at the top of the list were,in my spine,or in one of my hearts valves.
After being discharged a dermatological problem went ballistic and,try as hard as 2 separate teams and over 2 years of unmitigated misery the symptoms have abated to the odd outbreak to waht I can only opine as environmental irritants; mould & mildew are well known to mw to cause respiratory problems,as well as exposure to U.V. rays for a sustained period. I have many more possible items I could add to this inquiry,however I feel I have stated the main part of my query. Is there any connection between my prolonged skin misery and the multiple exposures to X-Rays and more specifically the "GAMMA CAMERA"?