Hi, I m 21 and I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis a few months ago. I am going to have a Mirena IUD to alleviate symptoms but my appointment is not until Dec. I am in need of an immediate answer, and am debating on going to the ER in fact right now however. The only reason I am not going is because of money, and I want to be sure if I need to. Anyway, I am having blood clots and huge amounts of bleeding and painful cramping that is making me feel faint and my eye sight black out if I stand up too fast. I am also a week bloated from not being able to relieve myself with #2. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and it s being hosted at my house. Should I go see a professional at the ER or is there something besides heat and tylenol/etc. that will relieve my discomfort long enough to function until I can get an emergency appointment with my dr.? Please help!