Hi, this morning i woke up at 6am, i had to use the bathroom to urinate . & as i was sitting there, i got this overwhelming feeling of dizziness , fatigue , & vomiting all at once . I layed down on the floor, all alone. I was scared i was going to blackout . Eventually it went away, & i got up and walked downstairs & told my mom. I explained where my pain was & she said where i was pointing was at my sternum area . I fell back asleep & woke up at 9am, got up , got in the shower . & when i got out of the shower the same thing happened . But this time i did throw up, but nothing was coming up, because i did t eat anything yet . But if i did eat something, i would have def thrown up . All day today, all day today i ve been very strange, im not myself .just moody . My sternum area still hurts . Could i be pregnant ? I had unprotected sex almost a week ago .