Hello Dr. Grief, I am a 42 year old white female. About a year ago I noticed a flat, dent like spot on the front of my skull over my eye starting at my hairline and going toward the back of my skull, it was about an inch long and now is much bigger. In February of this year I noticed another one over the other eye (left side) and isn t as big, and hasn t changed much. The original one on the left side is very flat. I have experienced dizziness and headaches which aren t common for me to get, random blurred vision in mostly my right eye that only lasts for about 20 or so seconds, loss of balance, and pain in my legs, mostly in my knees, the tops of my arms and my ankles. I also had swelling in my legs to where my ankles were as large as my calves. I am freaking out and unsure who to go see, what type of doctor I should go to. The only thing I see online is something called Paget s Disease which is frightening. Please help. Any information or suggestions you can offer would be very appreciated. Tricia