Hi I have high colesteral, Micro valve prolaps,and acid reflux disorder,plus I have disk buldge in L 5 area.
My doctor put me on simvastin, prylosect OTC, lowertab (10). I have been on this for 4 years now.
My question is can any of this cause the following symtoms,
1, I have sharp pains in my stomach just under the left rib cage.
2, I have started shaking from head to toe, get's worse when I am tired or stessed.
3,if I am working and I get hot to the point of sweating I start to feel like I can not breath
and feel like I am about to pass out, and I have past out (2) times
4, If I bend over for more than (30) seconds my head starts pounding then when I stand upright I feel like I am going to pass out.