Dear Doctor,
Couple of days before, my wife got fainted in house in the late night and she was admitted in the hospital. She was having very high bp 100 -170 while admitting in the hospital but now it is under control. Exxcept HUTT test positive all other testing including ECG, Eco, Holter, CT Scan, Renal Doppler, Urine and Blood testing have shown normal. While admitting in the hospital sodium level in blood was found 111 and after taking saline now sodium level has increased to 128. Due to HUTT positive she was prescribed Serlift 25mg for 10 days and thereafter Serlift 50 mg continuously. After taking Serlift 25 mg for few days I found that my wife has become forgetful ness, talking too much and inconsistencies in talking. In addition to serlift 25 mg, she is also taking concor 5, omnixet 40 for her high BP. Her BP is currently maintained about 75-78 to 135-140. Please tell me whether she should continue taking serlift 25 mg and will continue serlift 50 mg after 10 days. Please respond to my email.
Best Regards, Samit