I have been taking 10 to 20 mg of Warfarin a day due to PE as a complication from pneumonia. I am a week late on my mens cycle, so did a preg test, it came back positive, though the line was VERY light. this would make me 2 1/2 to 3 weeks pregnant and very unplanned. I am 42. I have two children, one with auditory processing disorder, which he inherited from me. The past three weeks my blood numbers have been at 1.5 give or take a point and I have been injecting loveinox as well (do to change in diet). I have done the research on the web and seen all the horror that warfarin/coumidin does to a fetus. My question's are with my blood being thick does that afford the fetus some protection or does the drug just go straight to the baby? Also I have stopped all warfarin until I can speak to my docs and techs, I am not worried because I am on the lovenox, So did I stop soon enough to protect the fetus? Thank You in advance and Happy Memorial weekend