I have been diaagnosed with generalized anxiety along with chronic sinus infections of the maxillary sinus . I have had dizzyness bouts for some time. In the past 2 weeks, I have had new episodes where I feel faint and have sensations of hot and cold in my head an extremeties, I have had EKGs, CT scans of my sinuses, and the like. My PCP seeems to think that this is just a result of anxiety. It doesn t feel like that too me. I have no chest pain or pain in any of the extremities. At one point, I had an ENT perform a test on my eyes, and they indicated an abnormality, but said it was nothing to worry about. I am currently taking an SSRI for control and Benzodiazapines for acute panic attacks. Trying to figure out where I should go next and what I should be researching.