Good day to all the doctors here, I respect and thank you all for your service. I m 20year old male, just turned 20 about 4 days and I ve been having this thought of an illness hiding and developing in me slowly, I have friends who died or diabetes,cancer, brain tumor etc and all I have always wanted to do was to do a full body checkup for any illness hiding in me even or any condition I might have but don t know. I have been a smoker for about a year and that was two years ago, I stopped smoking and to sum up all the cigarettes I ve smoke can be about 2 packets so that s not much, I wasn t a frequent smoker. I have a hospital booklet here about an STD I had but I don t really know what it says but the test involved using an ear cotton stick which they sent inside my penis hole to get a sample, I couldn t read the writing on my hospital booklet, I just got prescribed some drugs and ever since I haven t gone back due to money, school and I changed town. I have been having weird coughs that comes and goes, blisters on the head of my penis that turns into wounds and very itchy growths and swells, crazy amount of disturbing and itchy hives especially at night and sometimes in the day, pimples all over my body, I m pale and find it difficult to gain weight although my face will look fat and rough but that s the only place that easily gains weight, I can t discuss some of this things to a doctor because I m ashamed