Some background, first: I had unprotected sex on the last day of my last period (11/10). I know the chances of getting pregnant at that point of the cycle are low, but it s still possible, so for added security, I took a Plan B pill 48 hours after (11/12). Within three days of taking the pill (11/15), I started bleeding again. The blood was dark red to brown and was a moderate flow at the start. By 11/18, the bleeding was very faint, and we had protected sex that day. The very light flow just stopped today (11/24), but now I have what I believe to be my first yeast infection ever. Other symptoms that have emerged within the past four days are; 8 lb. rapid weight gain , horrible acne, enlarged and very sore breasts, fatigue , increased appetite. Should I go buy a pregnancy test or is it more likely these symptoms are due to the estrogen in the pill?