A MRA reflects the following, the posterior circulation is normal, however the right vertebral artery has a variant course,ending in a posterial inferior cerebellar artery instead of contributing to the basilar artery. No aneurysm or stenosis. I suffer fron unrelenting fatigue, exhaustion and dizziness. Positive tilt table test, high cholesterol 301. Mild mitral valve prolaps with reguritation. Abnormal T wave test Double blurry vision, headache, migraines, neurogenic bladder Ringing in my ears. Restrictive lung process believed to be from limited chest wall excursion. Thoracic outlet syndrome Cervical and lumbar degenerative disc disease and osreo arthritis. Im wondering if the variant course of the verebral artery is common, and could it be playing a role in the symptoms of exhaustion, fatigue, dizziness, syncope and near syncope episodes im experiencing.