im cold. temp always around 97.4. severe muscle pain, tendon tightness. totally irritable sometimes. constant headache. eyeballs squeak when rubbed. feels like my brain is swollen and pushing on my optic nerves, jaw tension, pee a lil if cough just started within 6 monthes like when migraines started, hate lights, sound, heart palps, anxiety attacks for no reason, blue / cold extremities. no energy, unexplained weepiness, im just turning 35. was perfectly healthy very active in sports until dental surgery extracting 4 baby mullars in which roots had calcified, adult teeth were coming in roof of mouth and under tongue. had bad reaction of crying for no reason after being put under. had woke during surgery. 19 shots of novacaine did not work, reason they opt to put me under . had a few occasions of whiplash, back injury, had Epstein barr for 1.5 months before meds. was on Cipro many many times, had ripped ligament, read that fibromyalgia is caused by thyroid probs and that study showed neg affects on thyroid function. had these symptoms and getting worse since 18, original diagnosis of fibro..????? type rh o neg blood