hi i have a 28 day periiod cycle but i took Norethisterone to delay my period from 8th sept until 14 sept, i had a period on the 18th sept and everything was fine, i was going away again on the 6th oct until 23rd october which ment i would have my period again while away, so i took Norethisterone from 6th oct until the packet ran out on the 20th oct, i then had a period on the 24th october. i have come away again and i have not taken Norethisterone so i was under the understanding that my period should not be due until 21st nov however i have starting bleeding lightly today on the 16th nov. my concern is that is this normal to mess up your cycles and bleed early or could it be that i am pregnant? my husband is abroad hense the lots of trips! i am usually on the mini pill femulen but stopped it once i returned on oct 23rd to give my body a rest for a month or so, but then when i found out i had to travel again on 10th november i took went back on the femulen so i would be protected, but only took one tablet on the 9th of november and forgot to pack them with me so i have been having unprotected sex from then till now. my concern is could the one femulen tablet forced a bleed or could it be my period early or lastly could this mean that i may in fact be pregnant although i am bleeding, would appreciate any advice you may have on this. i have had slight stomach cramps for a few days, no breast tenderness but my nipples have darkened slightly what ever that could mean? kind regards