Hello Doctors, I, 60/M, have been treated for stage III prostrate cancer with robotic radical prostatectomy in August 2016, followed by 4 injections of Leuprolide 22.5 mg. My Bone scan and PSMA PET scan were negative, just local spread to nearby lymph nodes was positive. I took 11 sessions of radiotherapy, but developed blockage of urine during the treatment, so was not advised to continue that. I am suffering from urinary incontinence since December 2016, also I was operated for urethral blockage twice -Dec 2016 and Feb 2018. Doctor advised me to do self-catheterization every month. My PSA reports have been normal always, except last time when it raised to 2.226. What should be my treatment plan now? My doc suggests to get PSMA PET scans done and start again with hormonal therapy. Is there anything in the diet i can change so that the cancer cells do not grow again? I haven't done any modifications in my diet post treatment. Please guide me through this. What are the chances of metastasis?