Hello, I m an 18-year-old adult male that is currently worried my height, arm, and feet growth. I have fairly tall parents with my mother being 5 8 and my father being 6 0. I also have very tall grandparents and siblings with both grandfathers being 6 1 and 6 2 respectively. My 15-year-old sister is 5 8 and my 16-year-old old brother is 6 1, and my 12-year-old sister is 5 4. The shortest grown member of my immediate family is my grandmother who is 5 4. My uncles are also 6 1 and 6 3. I m 5 9 and have been concerned about my growth for some time now. My hands are itty-bitty, just slightly larger than my 5 4 grandmother and I have a shoe size of 8.5. I had always been one of the tallest in my family as a kid and was one of the tallest kids in my school during middle school. Yet as I aged into high school, I haven t seen any to at all growth since turning 15. I know that 5 9 is average for a male, but considering my family and genetics it seems like it abnormally small. Although I am self-conscious about my height it is my hands that actually worry me. I ve compared them to multiple different friends and family members, and they are always shorter than every male. Heck my 5 8 sister has larger hands. Is something wrong with my body or was I just blessed with the short recessive gene?