Hi there! To be frank I am worried about cancer and would love a doctor’s opinion. i have a doctors appointment coming up but the sooner addressed the better. I was told that based off these symptoms back in 2021 I could have cancer. Most doctors dismissed it since I’m “too young” but the symptoms have gotten steadily worse, progressing heavily these past few months. The symptoms are: extreme fatigue: so exhausted every day, taking multiple multi hour naps if have the time to. never feeling rested loss of appetite: going from binge eating disorder to only eating 1 maybe 2 meals a day hair loss: large amounts of hair loss after every shower, nothing new to hair routine night sweats: drenched in sweat every night, have to switch pajamas occasionally it’s so bad random chest pain: sharp pains typically behind sternum nausea: consistent nausea with big spikes, typically feeling full after not eating or eating very little headaches and chest pains with alcohol consumption: intense pain typically within 30 minutes of drinking constantly itchy: (could just be allergies but might as well note) consistent aches and pains: a part of body is hurting always, typically joint pain reoccurring fevers and hot flashes: on and off fevers, sometimes hot “flashes”, just sudden spikes in temps very abnormal periods: for example period gone for 4 months then happens only a week apart sweating: hyperhydrosis has seem to have gotten way worse, especially facial sweating