Hi I am 43, 6', 187lbs, I have had a skin problem since I was around 27, diagnosed as seboreihic dermatitis. Specifically a redness on my scalp that seems to flake very badly like Dandruff, it has spread over the years and presently has come down past my hair line in front by a 1/2 inch maybe 6 or 7 years back. My main issue is a red itchy, oozing when disturbed problem, between my butt cheeks and over 30% of my scalp. I have used several ointments with no correction , (Clobetasol has been the best in the past as the main thing that has removed it only for it to return in a week or 3). Please help, I am worried with the severity and the fact that it will not go away. I did suffer a rheumatoid arthritis type rough situation that started and has improved over the last 3years I still have a tendon or hand joint soreness, but it is not inhibiting me more than 5%. I cannot stop itching my butt!!! I have tried, even have a bidet!