Hi. I m a 40 year old female, weighing 175 pounds and I had gone skiing 8 days ago. I took a couple of spills although I do not recall injuring myself and the next day I felt a mild right side low back muscle strain. I have strained / thrown out my back 3 other times and this was not bad at all. It was mild and it didn t stop me from playing softball ( 4 games ) yesterday. It irritates me the same today, no more, no less . Nevertheless, I m painting a picture that I didn t hurt my back badly, but since skiing ( and I have skied about 12 times this winter) , there is a numb patch over my skin, over my right side where my belt would rest. It is constant. No pain, burning, problems w my bowls/bladder, or muscle weakness, rash or any other complaints. What is it?