Basically, the following has happened: I've taken a few days off the bike, everything’s fine, I go to get back on the bike, and within a few seconds, BAM, this sudden, severe, sharp, burning type pain starts in one of my thighs. the pain was localized to a small area in one thigh, once it started, it spread really quickly to other areas in the thigh, and now suddenly to both thighs. If I stand still the pain goes, but if I try to keep moving, the pain quickly spirals out of control. If I wait and don’t move for a while (maybe between 5-15 minutes) I can use the legs again, but they're stiff and sore, but the sudden pain is really easily triggered again. It's not a cramp. I've had plenty of those and its really different. i.e. the thigh muscles don't involuntarily contract, they’re not hard or tight, the pain isn’t there if i don’t move, and the pain doesn’t go if i stretch the muscle out. its more like a searing, nerve damage or cutaneous type pain.
Does anyone know what it is and how to treat or mange it?