High histamine levels, food alergies,gluten and lactose intolerance, adrenal exhaustion and hypothyroid, low grade depression, can't concentrate to read, short term memory affected. I'm taking glandular extracts such as adrenal cortex,adrenal extract,hypothalamus extract and pituitary + parotid extract, 160mg of kelp, l-tyroxine(natural aminoacid), vit A&D, vit E, Inositol for alergies, enzime complex (amylase, lypase, lactase), boron(as it was inexistent and got better after 8months of treatment, still low as of now), vit B1 and B6(PHP), Zinc and sometimes Magnesium plus Calcium( like 1week a month). My health improved a lot in the past 2years since I had my operation (blood clot remove and severe hemoraghia, lost a lot of blood and went in adrenal shock). Also I had problems with sinusis but they went away since I start taking enzimes and I had a begining of asthma but that also improved a lot.My question is in regards to high histamine and the effect of high histamine on the brain? I used to exercise a lot for the adrenaline to kick in to remove the histamine so I would be able to concentrate but that took me to adrenal exhaustion. I'm a very bright person and had extremly good and high results during my studies but it seams that I'm having a hard time at the moment and would like to know more about the histamine from an actual doctor. Thank you!