hello , this is santhi i am ttc since 8 years , but no positive yet , i have gone through every test , my hormones were normal , hsg was normal , my uterus is fine i have no problem as such when tests are concerned , my gaynae said i have pcos and prescribed me with metformin and my lmp was on may 11th i was on letroz and fsh injections for 6 days and had one egg on my right ovary and hcg was given followed by iui on two days one before and after ovulation , i have cramps on the right side of my lower abdomen today is my 6dpo , i have no cervical mucus no sore breasts , no cold , no temp , no spotting , just have nausea may be because of metformin i am taking 500mg daily , can u answer me can i still expect my pregnancy this month