Hello. I've been diagnosed with prostatitis. To make a long story short, I've been taking Cipro for 2 weeks. My prostate literally itches. My urologist doesn't know why, but tells me to keep taking my meeds. I don't have many of the classic symptoms of prostatitis. I believe that I took a supplement that may have caused an inflammation but not necessarily prostatitis. But I'm not a doctor, so I just don't know. The inflammation in the beginning gave me the feeling of wanting to urinate. But I never had problems going, no blood in urine, no burring when urinating, no erection problems. I did have burring sensation in my lower stomach (prostate?) when eating certain foods. Why is my prostate itching now? Is this a Cipro side effect? Is the itching a sign of healing? Also, I just refilled my prescription. Should I keep taking cipro twice a day still for two more weeks?