hi, my son ( 5 years old) had a glandular fever last year. We went to the hospital, he had a high temperature, swolen glands, very swolen, rush. First blood test was negative, so he had a scan, and few other tests. Finelly, doctor said it was glandular fever. Few weeks ago, my son had a very high temperature for 6 days, swolen glands, and he got antibiotic, which didn t help. Another set of diferent antibiotic, which seemed to work. A week after, Daniel is having stomachache, fever, but not so high and his glands are even more swolen. G.P sent us for a blood test for glandular fevwer, the results came today - possitive. Daniel is getting tired easily. Is it possible that he got a virus again? What should I do? How can I help him. He s not feeling so bad as last time, but Im worring